

Calcium nitrate solution with boron

Package: Bottle 1 kg, Tank 6 kg, Tank 25 kg, Tank 1250 kg
Application: Leaf


PRO-LIFE is a product containing Calcium, Boron and low molecular weight Carboxylic Acids that improves the cellular construction of all the plant tissues. PRO-LIFE acts especially on the young tissues, such as vegetative apexes, flower buds or young fruits, fixing calcium and preventing future deficiencies.

PRO LIFE confers more texture and firmness, reducing water losses in both fruits and leaves.


Total Nitrogen (N) … 8 % W/W

Calcium Oxide (CaO) soluble in water … 12 % W/W

Boron (B) soluble in water … 0.5 % W/W

Doses and application

PRO-LIFE is for leaf application, diluted in abundant water, taking care to wet the plant homogenously, mainly in growth and fructification plant areas.

PRO-LIFE can be mixed with most of the agrochemicals; however, it is recommended to perform compatibility tests beforehand.

(tomato, pepper, melon, strawberry, lettuce, celery, zucchini, etc.)
200-400 ml/hl. Apply approximately every 15 days from beginning of the cultivation cycle, until the middle of vegetative growth (if leaf vegetables) or until the end of the first fruit setting (if fruit vegetables).
(drupaceous, pomaceous, citrus)
3-4 liters/ha (300/400 ml/hl). Perform 2 or 3 applications until immediately after the fruit setting.
(in pot or cut)
400 ml/hl, perform different applications from the beginning of the cultivation cycle every 12-15 days.

Do not mix with products containing sulphates or phosphates. Before any mixture with products containing copper, consult our Technical Service.